Wednesday, August 16, 2017

70 years

70 years of Independence and this I know my flag flutters high but my head hangs low how cold the sun on this great glorious day as men once on a path are now galloping astray children are dying for breath and we fill our lungs with venom that chokes and also coats our tongues and the hurt, the horror, the hellacious heartbreak is that it’s whataboutery that keeps us awake how did so much hate come to fill our veins? what happened to our hearts, and to our brains? what made us so blind that we choose not to see that the abyss is staring back into us in glee my eyes aren’t red and my tears don’t show yes, my flag flutters high but my head hangs low.
ram cobain
(Indian Flag pic courtesy Google)
(The ‘abyss’ reference is obviously from Nietzsche)

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