Tuesday, August 17, 2021

A for Abandoned.

what’s the world coming to these days

when the strongest country flees

and a terrorist holds up his gun

smiles, says he comes in peace

what’s the world coming to these days

that men rush to cling to a plane

even as it thunders, taxies, takes off

and drops them like red rain

what’s the world coming to these days

when teachers lock up their schools

and little children now must learn

that education is against the rules

what’s the world coming to these days

when women are terribly told

this gunman here, he’s your husband

if you’re more than 15 years old

hark what’s the world coming to these days

and what secret pacts led to this?

whose clean hands are stained with blood 

whose pockets line this abyss?

aye what’s the world coming to these days

to abandon an entire people thus

with a shrug of the shoulders, a toss of the head

and not much more of a fuss

woe what’s the world coming to these days

heed then this shameful pity

today a country's cries fall on deaf ears

but they curse us till eternity.

(Pic courtesy: Zabi Karimi/Associated Press/NY Times)

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